L4D2 Server Information
All Left 4 Dead 2 servers are equipped with numerous bug fixes and improvements.General Commands
- !maps - Vote to select a custom map.
- !votekick - Vote to kick an unwanted player.
- !hats - Wear items from the game on your head.
- !rank - To see your player rank on the servers.
HLStatsX Commands
- hlx_menu - HLstatsX Ingame Menu
- rank [skill, points, place (to all)] - Current position
- kpd [kdratio, kdeath (to all)] - Total player statistics
- session [session_data (to all)] - Current session statistics
- next - Players ahead in the ranking.
- servers - List of all participating servers
- top20 [top5, top10] - Top-Players
- clans - Clan ranking
- statsme - Statistic summary
- weapons [weapon] - Weapons usage
- accuracy - Weapons accuracy
- targets [target] - Targets hit positions
- kills [kill, player_kills] - Kill statistics (5 or more kills)
Bug Fixes:
- Boomer Gibs Restored
- Charger Collision Patch
- Defib fix
- Frozen Tanks Fix
- Global Shadow Fix
- Console Spam Suppression
- Removed "pause" console messages
- Unlimited grenades fix
- Weapon prop fix
- Physics Object Push fix
- Witch behavior fixes
- Counter-Strike ladders
- Healing Gnome/Cola
- Random SI modal
- Random SI burnt skin
- Scavenge gascans invulnerable.
- Remove item collision
- No safe door spam
- Skip first map cutscene
- No team nudging
- Witch allowed in safezone.
- Survivor legs
- Incapped Crawling
- Announcements for: Deployed packs, explosions, throwables.
- Messages for gear being transferred.
- Glow effects on fire and all throwables.
- Survivor hats
- Custom map vote
- Player kick vote
- Black and white notifier